C Sharp Projects
Staff Management System
June 21, 2012 C Sharp, C Sharp 2005, C Sharp 2008, Project Ideas, Project Report, Project Synopsis, SQL Server 2005
The main purpose of Staff Management System is to reduce the manual operation required to maintain all the records of Employees. And also generates the various reports for analysis. The purpose of Staff Management is to perform monthly salary generation, Attendance, leave sanctions of the employees and to perform search regarding various categories within less time. It reduces the human effort by making everything computerized. Here we published Staff Management System Synopsis and source code.

Student Management System
June 12, 2012 C Sharp, C Sharp 2005, C Sharp Microsoft Access
Student Management System , this project is developed using C#.Net and Microsoft Access Driver. In this project user can add and view student records. Student Management System is a software application to manage an educational facility of teachers and students.
Front End : C#. NET 2005
Back End : Microsoft Access Driver 2003

Payroll Management System
April 28, 2012 C Sharp, C Sharp 2005, C Sharp 2008, SQL Server 20052005
Payroll Management System is an important activity in any organization. Payroll software has been specially designed for automating payroll system. With Payroll Management System, it is possible to maximize the potential of payroll through timely and accurate salary processing, Attendance, etc. Payroll Management System developed using VB.NET and Microsoft Access Driver.
Front End : C#. NET 2005
Back End : Microsoft Access Driver 2003